Unlock the skies with our Advanced Helicopter Controller for Unity, a powerful and versatile plugin designed to bring the thrilling experience of helicopter flight to your Unity projects. Perfect for game developers, simulation enthusiasts, and anyone looking to elevate their virtual aviation adventures.

Key Features:

  • Realistic Physics Simulation: Our controller leverages realistic physics algorithms to recreate the intricacies of helicopter flight. Feel the wind, control the pitch, and master the art of hovering !
  • Intuitive Customization: Tailor the flight characteristics to your project's needs with an easy-to-use interface. Adjust variables such as rotor power, drag, and responsiveness for a flight experience that suits your vision.
  • Responsive Controls: Enjoy precise and responsive controls that mimic the complexity of real helicopters. Whether you're an experienced pilot or a beginner, our plugin ensures an engaging and accessible experience.
  • Camera Control: Take full control of the camera view to explore the environment from various angles, enhancing your helicopter flight experience.
  • Versatile Integration: Seamlessly integrate our Helicopter Controller into a wide range of Unity projects, from action-packed games to training simulations and beyond.

Elevate your Unity projects to new heights with this Advanced Helicopter Controller. Whether you're seeking to enhance your game's gameplay or create realistic training simulations, our plugin is your key to unlocking the world of helicopter flight.

Ready to take off? Explore the possibilities today!


Here are the default keys to control your helicopter:

  • Q or E: Yaw
  • W or S: Pitch
  • A or D: Roll
  • Shift: Increase Collective (Lift pull)
  • Ctrl: Decrease Collective (Lift pull)
  • X: Start/Stop Engine

Installation instructions:

Thank you for choosing our Advanced Helicopter Controller for your Unity project. These installation instructions will guide you through the process of setting up the plugin and integrating it seamlessly into your project.


I haven't tested compatibility with different Unity versions yet, but this plugin was built with Unity 2020.2.38. Ensure that the new input system is activated. Follow these steps to activate it:

Package installation

Import the package from the Unity Asset Store:

Attach the AHC component to your Helicopter Player GameObject
  1. Select the GameObject representing the helicopter.
  2. In the Inspector, click "Add Component."
  3. Search and select the "AHC" script from the list
Configure the AHC component
  1. Select the Helicopter Player GameObject.
  2. Locate the AHC configs in the Inspector.
  3. Explore the various configuration options. Hover over each option for information.
  4. To sync the rotor animation with the engine's speed, choose your rotor's animation under "Rotor Anim."
  5. To trigger an explosion animation on crash, select your explosion's GameObject under "Explosion."
  6. For other settings, start with the defaults and adjust them as needed once you're familiar with the flight mechanisms
Add a PlayerInput component to your Helicopter Player GameObject
  1. Select the Helicopter Player GameObject.
  2. In the Inspector, click "Add Component."
  3. Search and select "Player Input" from the list:
Configure the PlayerInput component you just added to your Helicopter Player GameObject
  1. With the Helicopter Player GameObject selected, locate the Player Input component in the Inspector.
  2. Click on the Actions field and search for "AHC_Controls."
  3. Ensure Default Map is set to "Flight" and Behavior is set to "Send Messages":
Attach the AHC Mouse Look component to the Main Camera
  1. Select your Main Camera GameObject.
  2. In the Inspector, click "Add Component."
  3. Search and select the "AHC Mouse Look" script from the list:
Configure the AHC Mouse Look component
  1. Select the Main Camera GameObject.
  2. Locate the AHC Mouse Look configs in the Inspector.
  3. Click on "Target Object" and choose your Helicopter Player GameObject.
  4. Adjust the Cam Distance to your liking.
  5. Explore and adjust other options based on your preferences
Add a PlayerInput component to the Main Camera
  1. Select the Main Camera GameObject.
  2. In the Inspector, click "Add Component."
  3. Search and select "Player Input" from the list:
Configure the PlayerInput component you just added to the Main Camera
  1. With the Main Camera GameObject selected, locate the Player Input component in the Inspector.
  2. Click on the Actions field and search for "AHC_Controls."
  3. Ensure Default Map is set to "Camera" and Behavior is set to "Send Messages":
That's it! You should be able to fly your helicopter now!